Month: November 2023

Can Series #5

Again, sorry. But now I’m on a roll! (Pun may or may not be intended.)


They used to be gross enough. But in the last however many years, some dudebro got the STABLE GENIUS idea to put urinals in there. And let us all remember the lack of a flush in a porta-potty.

Let me explain this to you, Doctor Genius Dude Bro:

Women are encouraged–and most do–to sit and pee. I hear that even men sit sometimes. You apparently never have, and just went, “Dude! Bro! I just got this GREAT idea! There’s, like, 54 square inches of real estate in this box that we’re not taking advantage of! …How bout a urinal? That way we def won’t have to touch anything in there!”

I’m assuming that’s the reason, and not some incel going, “Yo! Bruh! if we put a pee cup riiiight about here, the females will have to have their faces right in our urine!” [And then “Mwah hah hah!” I assume.]

At any rate, SOMEONE DID NOT THINK. And I’m of the mind that people should WORKSHOP their ideas. Come on, people. Get your shit together. NO PUN INTENDED.

Can Series #4.

I’m so sorry.

But scalloped toilet paper.

Can it really be that much more efficient? And honestly, paying someone to rip pieces of toilet paper over and over again for eight hours a day. Is it worth it? I’m sure it’s the job of an engineer, but come on. I’m sure they have better things to do. I’m just guessing. And I do wonder how long they sit there and mull their situation over. Like, they’re ripping tp and every so often, between once ever ten seconds and twice a day they sit up and realize what they’re doing for a living.

Or maybe they’re really into the fact that they grew up to get to play with toilet paper all day. I hope so. Everyone should find joy in their work.

And yes. I am aware of the irony of writing about the toilet my last 4 out of 5 posts.