Six Dead Queens and an Inflatable Henry

Piccolo Theatre at Greenhouse Theater Center
Fall, 2012
Catherine of Aragon
All photos © Robert E. Potter III

Chicago Reader Recommended

“The current remount marks Piccolo’s first foray into Chicago. It’s one of the strongest pieces I’ve seen from this theater, providing a terrific showcase for the half-dozen women who bring the ex-consorts of “King Harry” to life in the afterlife….Catherine of Aragon (Amy Gorelow) is a rosary-clutching Spanish spitfire.” -Kerry Reid, Chicago Tribune, Recommended

“[I]t’s the most hilarious history lesson ever.” -Kristin Walters, Centerstage, Recommended

“[A] riotous hour-plus of score-settling, frank testifying and rank catfighting…The queens are the house band as well, revving up clever, era-bending tunes.” – Emily Gordon, TimeOut Chicago, Highly Recommended

“…Directed and designed by the women of the Piccolo Theatre, Six Dead Queens and An Inflatable Henry has all the subtlety of a fart under a blanket. The play actually begins with such a fart, but for the most part flatulence takes a back seat to the general nastiness displayed by King Henry VIII’s ex-wives to each other. Arguments over who most deserves to be remembered as the “true queen” often turn physical and the prominently displayed four-post bed does double duty here as a wrestling ring. My favorite scene involved Anne Boleyn (Vanessa Hughes) using a bible to defend herself from a cross-wielding Catherine of Aragon (Amy Gorelow)…[I]t is their stellar performances that elevate Six Dead Queens from simple physical comedy to something better as their characters slowly but surely achieve real growth…Six Dead Queens is original and executed perfectly by its actresses.” -Noel Schecter, Splash Magazine, Recommended